Short introduction to Generalized Random Tessellation Stratified
sampling (GRTS)
Quadrant recursive map
A key component of GRTS is translating 2D coordinates to 1D
coordinates. This is done by quadrant recursive maps (Stevens and Olsen 1999, 2004). The map is split
in 4 quadrants by splitting it halfway along the north-south axis and
halfway along the east-west axis. This yields the level-1 split. Each
quadrant of level-1 is in a similar way split into 4 sub quadrants. This
yields 16 level-2 quadrants. This is recursively applied until each
quadrant contains only one element or the dimensions of the quadrants
are small enough. We give an example with three levels in the figure
Reverse hierarchical ordering
We index each sub quadrant within a quadrant uniquely with the
numbers 0, 1, 2 or 3 (figure above). The combination of this index with
the indices of all lower levels gives a unique 1D address to each sub
quadrant. The level-1 quadrants need only 1 index, the level-2 quadrants
require 2 indices (level-1 and level-2), …
The 1D address can be though of as a base-4 number. In a typical
hierarchical order we would use level-1 as the highest digit, level-2 as
the next digit, and so on. The figure below shows the base-4 indices up
to the third level. The background of each cell is coloured along a
gradient of address (after conversion to base-10). The change in colour
clearly reflects the level-1 structure. Adding 1 to the lowest digit
(level-3 in this example), results in 3 out of 4 times in moving to a
neighbouring cell. In other cases we would go to a cell in a
neighbouring quadrant of a higher level. Thus the 1D address of
neighbouring cells will be similar.
The picture changes if we reverse the hierarchical order (fig below).
Now we use level-1 as the lowest digit, level-2 as the second lowest
digit, and so on.
Adding 1 to the lowest digit, will now result in moving to another
level-1 quadrant. Hence the corresponding movement in 2D is always
The randomisation is done by permuting the indices of sub quadrant.
Each split of a quadrant in 4 sub quadrants uses an independent random
Selection of the sample
The actual selection of the sample from the 1D address come in two
flavours. The oldest flavour (Stevens and Olsen
1999) uses the normal hierarchical ordering. The actual sample
uses a systematic sampling along the 1D addresses. It samples every
N/n 1D address and
uses a random start between 0 and N/n − 1.
A more recent flavour Theobald et al.
(2007), is based on the reverse hierarchical ordering. The actual
sample uses the first n 1D
Benefits of the normal hierarchical order
- Unequal probability sampling is easy to implement. Consider each 1D
address to be a line segment with length proportional to inclusion
probability. Concatenate all line segments according to the order of the
1D address. Take a systematic sample along this concatenated line.
Benefits of the revese hierarchical order
- Replacement of drop-out samples is easy. Just take the next
available 1D address.
- Repeated sampling in time is possible, provided the entire region is
covered as a GRTS grid.
Main functionality of grtsdb
The most import functions of grtsdb
, add_level()
. As grtsdb
stores the
randomised grid in a SQLite database, you first need to connect to such
database with connect_db()
. The default uses a file called
in the current working directory. The
function creates the file when it doesn’t exist. ":memory:"
is a special type of “file”: the database is stored in memory and not on
disk. Such database will be lost when the user disconnects. Databases
stores on disk can be reused later.
db_mem <- connect_db(":memory:")
The second step is the generate the randomised grids in the database
using add_level()
. This requires at least a connection to
the database, the bounding box ((x0, x1, y0, y1))
and the cell size of the grid (s). The function determines the
largest grid required to cover the bounding box with a grid of the
required cell size. Each dimension of this grid gets the same number of
cells and this number will be a power of 2. We take the maximum of the
number of grid cells in each dimension. The ceiling of a the log base 2 of this maximum is the required
level n because 2n will be larger or
equal to this maximum.
$$n = \lceil\log_2\frac{\max(x_1 - x_0,
y_1 - y_0)}{s}\rceil$$
bbox <- rbind(
x = c(10000, 50000),
y = c(-25000, 10000)
cellsize <- 1000
add_level(bbox = bbox, cellsize = cellsize, grtsdb = db_mem)
#> Required number of levels: 6
#> Adding level 1: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 2: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 3: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 4: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 5: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 6: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
Now we are ready to take a sample using extract_sample()
on the database. The result is a data frame containing the coordinates
(centroids of the grid cell) and their ranking. The
arguments defines to number of grid cells to
return. The grid is on-the-fly defined by the bounding box and the cell
size. The function returns the grid cells within the bounding box and
with the lowest ranking. Hence the ranking seems to “skip” some of the
ranking values.
grtsdb = db_mem, samplesize = 5, bbox = bbox, cellsize = cellsize
#> Creating index for level 6. May take some time...
#> Done.
#> x1c x2c ranking
#> 1 22500 -18000 2
#> 2 43500 -5000 7
#> 3 17500 4000 8
#> 4 42500 -12000 9
#> 5 11500 -8000 10
The last step is discard the grid cells outside of the sampling
frame. Therefore the user needs to extract more grid cells within the
bounding box than needed. The required oversampling rate is slightly
larger than the ratio between the area of the bounding box and the area
of the sampling frame. If the area of the bounding box is twice the area
of the sampling frame, then extract at least twice the final sample
size. Keep grid cells with smallest ranking in case you end up with too
many grid cells in the sampling frame.
Because the randomisation is stored in the database, rerunning
on the same database with the same
argument will yield the same sample. The example below is a rerun with a
larger samplesize
. Note that the first rows are identical.
The sample is supplemented with additional grid cells. Internally the
bounding box is centred with the full grid with 2n cells in each
dimension. As a result, shifting the bounding box will yield the same
shift in the sample.
grtsdb = db_mem, samplesize = 10, bbox = bbox, cellsize = cellsize
#> x1c x2c ranking
#> 1 22500 -18000 2
#> 2 43500 -5000 7
#> 3 17500 4000 8
#> 4 42500 -12000 9
#> 5 11500 -8000 10
#> 6 16500 -23000 18
#> 7 31500 2000 23
#> 8 25500 2000 24
#> 9 35500 -16000 25
#> 10 10500 -17000 26
The actual process of selecting the grid cells with a sampling frame
is not implemented in grtsdb
. This is a deliberate choice
as it keeps the number of dependencies of the package minimal. In case
of the 2D sampling frame, we recommend the sf
Repeated samples
Image a long term monitoring of a number of sites within a given
sampling frame. We can use a GRTS sample to get a spatially balanced
selection. But what if the sampling frame changes in the future? E.g.
the sampling frame is the set of all forests in a country. Deforested
sites will leave the sampling frame while afforested sites will enter
the sampling frame. Over time some of the early sampled sites might no
longer be part of the sampling frame. We want to remove those sites from
the sample and replace them with “fresh” sites. But what to do with the
afforested sites that entered the sampling frame?
One solution would be to draw every so often a new an independent
GRTS sample using the updated sampling frame. This would eliminate sites
not longer in the sampling frame and allow new sites in the sampling
frame to enter the sample. However, this brakes building a time series
at sites that remain in the sampling frame.
We suggest to store the grtsdb
database so the user can
extract the same sample again in the future. This extraction is stable
as long as we use the same database, with the same bounding box and cell
size. The thing that changes is the sampling frame. Hence grid cells
with low ranking outside the new sampling frame will be discarded. And
new sites in the sampling frame enter the selection when they have a low
ranking. The proportion of stable sites (sites both in the old and the
new sample) will be proportional to the stable area (area in both the
old and new sampling frame).
n-dimensional GRTS
The original GRTS algorithm handles only 2D problems. We altered the
algorithm so it can handle n-D problems.
Here is an example of a 1D problem.
#> Required number of levels: 6
#> Adding level 1: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 2: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 3: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 4: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 5: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 6: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Creating index for level 6. May take some time...
#> Done.
#> x1c ranking
#> 1 0.49 2
#> 2 0.79 3
#> 3 0.15 4
#> 4 0.89 5
#> 5 0.33 6
The next examples works on a 3D problem. Here we used cells with
unequal size for different dimensions. Keep in mind that the “spatial”
balance only holds for the rescaled version, assuming equal cell sizes
in every dimension.
#> Required number of levels: 4
#> Adding level 1: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 2: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 3: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Adding level 4: create table, add coordinates, calculate ranking
#> Creating index for level 4. May take some time...
#> Done.
#> x1c x2c x3c ranking
#> 1 0.95 0.05 0.2 0
#> 2 0.05 0.15 0.4 1
#> 3 0.75 0.45 0.2 8
#> 4 0.95 0.15 1.0 15
#> 5 0.65 0.75 0.4 44
Stevens, Don L., and Anthony R. Olsen. 1999.
“Spatially Balanced Sampling of Natural
Resources.” Journal of the American Statistical
Association 99: 262–78.
———. 2003. “Variance Estimation for Spatially
Balanced Samples of Environmental Resources.”
Environmetrics 14 (6): 593–610.
———. 2004.
“Spatially Balanced Sampling of Natural
Resources.” Journal Of The American Statistical
Association 99 (465): 262–78.
Theobald, David, Don Stevens, Denis White, N. Urquhart, Anthony Olsen,
and John Norman. 2007.
“Using GIS to
Generate Spatially Balanced
Random Survey Designs for
Natural Resource
Applications.” Environmental Management 40
(1): 134–46.